Digital marketing trends for your 2023 PR strategy
Digital marketing trends for your 2023 PR strategy 1024 683 Jonathan Forani Jean-Philippe Guay, Directeur de comptes, North Strategic Montreal
Traditional PR is far from dead, but no public relations strategy is complete in 2023 without a keen eye for how digital marketing trends are shifting and evolving.
At North Strategic, our team – which includes in-house production studio Notch Video – can tap into that dynamic digital landscape to help clients reach the audiences they need across multiple channels.
Here are a few digital marketing trends that we plan to incorporate into our PR efforts for 2023.
Diversify your social media marketing strategy
As the Meta bubble of Facebook and Instagram deflates rapidly, ROI has less room to thrive. The reality of the long-time goliath social networks is that active users, reach and engagement are decreasing every year as consumer behaviour shifts.
Today, people are looking more and more for a diverse set of channels based on their varying needs. Much like television in the 90s, users want specialty channels dedicated to a genre, topic, interest, or demographic.
If we want to reach our target audience, keep a high share of voice among a target demographic or influence our audience, we need to invest in the spaces where those audiences are most active and growing in number: TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and Twitch.
Long-form thought leadership content is evolving
Short is often king in today’s media landscape, but there’s a dedicated and growing audience for rich long-form content. For PR strategies involving thought leadership, a keynote address at an industry conference isn’t the only answer. Think digital: newsletters, podcasts, “audiograms” (audio clips of podcasts with auto-transcribed captions), vlogs, and even video “cut-downs” from events.
For distribution, a brand’s owned core digital channels can be an effective – and affordable – avenue for thought leadership. This includes channels like the one you’re reading this on right now – the company blog – or other avenues such as LinkedIn, where there is notable engagement in longer-form content.
- Click here or below to read about our long-form podcast work with American Express.
PR agency as SEO consultant
Brands need PR agencies for engagement more than ever, not just building awareness, but driving engagement that brings the consumer back to the brand channels and website. Today, a PR agency wears more hats than ever, including SEO consultant.
North Strategic not only creates high-quality awareness and brand recall but a seamless consumer journey and channel mix by using a thorough and refined SEO strategy. Search engine marketing, organic search, and voice search (through a virtual assistant) are all important factors we consider in our digital PR strategy.
This is just a taste of the digital PR offerings at North Strategic. If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to us – we’d love to help you reach your audience.